6 Ways to Build Customer’s Trust When you have Zero Sales

6 Ways to Build Customer’s Trust When you have Zero Sales

Think about going to a brand-new internet shop for the first time. You have no knowledge of the company’s reputation, the calibre of its offerings, or its dedication to satisfying customers.
Like the majority of consumers, you would probably look for customer reviews to see whether there is any evidence that the company can meet your expectations.

But how do you bridge the trust gap to inspire confidence in potential buyers when your own ecommerce site is brand new and hasn’t made any sales yet—and therefore hasn’t got any reviews or social proof to leverage? This is a dilemma that almost every new entrepreneur has to face.

Share the Human Side of your Business

At first glance, people have a propensity to distrust brands. Making money is, after all, their main objective. However, we are more willing to believe in individuals and products.
Showing the human side of your brand can help you overcome consumer distrust for this reason. Consider introducing yourself to your clients as the person behind the company, especially if doing so will give your brand more trust and authenticity. For instance, if you offer items that you manufacture yourself. Give your customer service staff the freedom to express their personalities and build personal connections with your clients.

The About Us page of your website is an excellent location to start gaining the trust of your visitors. You may tell both your story and the story of your brand at the same time by emphasising you as the business owner rather than just your products. Customers will be able to trust your company more as a result of their increased knowledge of you thanks to this.
Similar to this, you may give your own company a human face by fusing your own life’s story with that of your company.

Build Relationships through Content

With the help of content, you may establish connections with brand-new users who are unaware of who you are and gradually explain yourself to them without coming across as aggressive. It is a scalable method of gaining client confidence. Regular content creation and publication can demonstrate to customers your commitment to your company, your market, and their concerns, which is always a positive indicator.

Content can also assist customers in familiarising themselves with your brand, particularly if you publish relatable content and establish a distinctive brand voice. Both of these will assist consumers feel as though they truly know you and can trust you by illuminating the personality that lies behind your brand. Not only is content excellent for gaining the trust of your audience right away, but it’s also wonderful for keeping it.

Encouraged conversations that let you connect with others also support this. Even if users only write a brief comment, this presents you with a crucial chance to interact with them directly, building a personal connection through their screen and encouraging them to return to the dialogue.

Be Transparent

Maintaining consumer trust requires transparency. It entails being forthright and sincere so that clients can comprehend what your business is doing. Transparency can take the form of:

  • Publishing detailed information about your products, including materials and ingredients
  • Showing how your company operates behind the scenes
  • Responding to customer feedback and complaints
  • Featuring stories from company employees

Being open and honest with your clients can increase their trust in your business by giving them the impression that you value their business. Additionally, it can help them understand how your business runs, which will increase their sense of engagement.

Provide Top-Notch Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most, if not the most, crucial ways that businesses can win over their clients’ trust and confidence. It’s the most direct channel for communication between the two, making it the biggest opportunity for a company to stake a claim and prove its worth.

The qualities of exceptional customer service include empathy, dedication to the needs of the client, and accountability. It demonstrates that your business values its clients enough to guide them through any problems they might be experiencing with your good or service. It gives them the assurance that should trouble arise, they can count on being cared for, and that is the very foundation of trust.


Building relationships that endure for a lifetime requires personalization. Encourage your customer service representatives to provide individualised solutions rather than following scripts and formulas.

You may create individualized solutions and messages that speak to your clients personally by conducting in-depth research into their needs, common problems, and pain points.
Customers are far more likely to trust you if you can show that you have a thorough understanding of their demands and can provide a solution that not only fixes their problems but also adds value.

Utilize the FAQ Page

Your website has blog posts, a “about us” page, a FAQ page, where you can respond to client questions. It is a powerful website with the duty to gather and create an incredible connection with the potential customers. On this page, you can respond to client inquiries about your products, showcase your store’s functionality, provide product details, and demonstrate to customers how you manage your business.

FAQ pages are the ideal approach to accomplish this if you want site visitors to decide whether to buy things from you. The goal of creating a FAQ page is often to educate clients about your business and shield them from any inaccurate information about your products.

Good FAQ pages are:

  • Restate critical information from your About Us and homepage
  • Make it simple so customers get access to product statistics, specifically because it influences the client
  • Show affirmations or licenses that include validity
  • Answer inquiries on the way, you are wonderful from the competition


Generating and retaining customer trust and confidence is crucial in a time when consumers have unheard-of access to information and a vast platform to voice their complaints. You must therefore exert every effort to satisfy, inspire, and service your customer base.