WhyQ Launches its first ever Bookkeeping App

🔔WhyQ Launches its first-ever Bookkeeping App 📢
Moving towards Reliable & Hassle-Free Bookkeeping Management!

Bookkeeping is the process of recording the company’s financial transactions into organized accounts on a daily basis. It is always referred to as something that is complicated and requires a lot of accounting skills, but we will prove you wrong with our WhyQ KiraKira app.

As bookkeeping is one of the pillars of a company’s stability and measurement of a company’s financial health, we strongly believe we are offering the most suitable solution to this issue, which is our very newly launched app, WhyQ KiraKira.

In this digitalization era, people nowadays are very eager and actively starting offline and online businesses. According to World Bank (2021), 98.5% of the 920,624 business establishments in Malaysia are made of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

In line with the strong needs of the business market, we firstly launched our eBiz app, WhyQ eBiz. WhyQ KiraKira is now officially launched to the market to cater the needs of businesses in bookkeeping, without having to invest on it.

In brief, WhyQ eBiz unlocks opportunities for entrepreneurs to kickstart their business by creating their very own e-store while WhyQ KiraKira manages the sales and expenses in a proper, yet hassle-free manner.

Why do Business Needs Bookkeeping System?

Bookkeeping is very essential for companies to keep track of their sales and expenses, which normally requires an accountant or bookkeeping professionals.

WhyQ KiraKira is a reliable, hassle-free and useful solution for micro and small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) to manage their company accounting effectively. We are offering a solution that is dummy foolproof and easily managed by a person that is not familiar with the accounting lingo.

Our main aim to create WhyQ Kira Kira app is to act as a zero-cost solution that can help to ease the burden of micro-businesses to hire professionals to manage their company accounts.

We do believe that starting a business itself requires a sum amount of capital, so we accommodate you with a 100% free, safe and easy bookkeeping app.

How easy can it get to use the WhyQ KiraKira app? We build the concept of bookkeeping to the simplest possible and accessible to everyone, avoiding the accounting lingo as much as we can. To first utilize the app, download it, choose your nature of business, the purpose of your bookkeeping and you’re off to use the rest functions of the WhyQ KiraKira app.

The main features of the app include e-Cashier (to add the product details), Transactions / e-Ledger (where you record your daily sales and and expenses), Debt (lend or receive funds from family/friends) and Loan (allows you to apply micro-loan under WhyQ).

What Business Needs WhyQ KiraKira app?

This WhyQ KiraKira app is so versatile that it actually supports over 20,000 businesses in Malaysia, ranging from various kinds of products and services such as food stalls, mini-marts, electronics, fashion, health and beauty, tutor services, and many more.

WhyQ KiraKira app provides a platform for businesses to monitor their expenses and sales, options to record your debt and apply for micro loans under WhyQ.

We acknowledge that micro or SMEs businesses need support to kickstart and maintain their businesses at their early years, so we make it a one-stop solution for them to also apply for micro loans under WhyQ from 80+ micro-financing options.

Whether hiring a professional or using a Bookkeeping app like WhyQ KiraKira, it not only eases the accounting process but also gives space for them to flourish in their businesses.

Bookkeeping is very important for daily business activities, tax filing, and avoiding suspicious activity within the company especially when business gradually becomes bigger over time.

WhyQ KiraKira is giving a hassle-free option of bookkeeping and saving you a hefty cost to hire professionals to do it. Download the WhyQ KiraKira app on Google Play and Apple store or you can directly contact the WhyQ support team to assist you further.

Experience a 100% free, safe, easy, and reliable bookkeeping app that will ease the burden of your company accounts. 🛡🛡🛡

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